AETH2ERIA is a hydrogen-powered electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft designed during the final bachelors project within TU Delft's Design/Synthesis Exercise (DSE), April - June 2023.

This page summarizes all the outputs of this project.

The following is a video of the final DSE symposium that took place on the 29th of June 2023 at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft.

The team, from left to right in the photo below:

Steven, Erin, Wessel, Barkin, Carmelo, Jorick, Damien, Can, Lucas, Bram

AETH2ERIA conference paper

Damien Keijzer, Carmelo Simon Soria, Jorick Arends, Barkin Sarigol, Fulvio Scarano, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Design of a Hydrogen-Powered Crashworthy eVTOL Using Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization". AIAA Scitech 2024 Forum. 10.2514/6.2024-2474. View/Download

DSE reports

Final DSE report, detailing the final design and multi-disciplinary optimization methology developed:

W. Albers, J. Arends, B. A. van Battum, E. Hadzhiyski, C. Karaca, D. M. Keijzer, L. Middendorp, S. de Rijke, B. Sarıgöl, & C. Simon Soria. (2023). Final Report - Aetheria, hydrogen-based long-range eVTOL designed for crashworthiness (2023-07-08). Zenodo. 

Midterm report, presenting a trade-off analysis amongst different concepts:

W. Albers, J. Arends, B.A. van Battum, E. Hadzhiyski, C. Karaca, D. M. Keijzer, L. Middendorp, S. de Rijke, B. Sarıgöl, & C. Simon Soria. (2023). Midterm Report - Aetheria, hydrogen-based long-range eVTOL designed for crashworthiness (2023-05-29). Zenodo. 

Baseline report, presenting the market analysis and various possible concepts:

W. Albers, J. Arends, B. A. van Battum, E. Hadzhiyski, C. Karaca, D. M. Keijzer, L. Middendorp, S. de Rijke, B. Sarıgöl, & C. Simon Soria. (2023). Baseline Report - Aetheria, hydrogen-based long-range eVTOL designed for crashworthiness (2023-05-11). Zenodo. 

Coding repository Integrates the resources from the Wigeon project repository and Aetheria project, into a common Python module.